Why do we need calcium?

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have already known the extreme importance of milk for humans. Right from childhood, we hear that we must drink milk regularly. It has an important mineral called calcium in it, which makes it vital for growth and bone health. Our bone is a living tissue that breaks down and regenerates itself periodically. It’s obvious to ensure good health, we need to supply calcium to our bodies through our food. In this post, we will further see how important calcium is for us and how to get it in the right way.

How much calcium does the body require?

It is recommended in a day is 1000 mg amount of calcium for men aged 19 to 70 and women aged 18 to 50. This recommendation varies when it comes to pregnant women as their requirements are a little higher. If your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it may lead to brittle bones and teeth. Moreover, if calcium deficiency continues, the body will start stealing calcium from bones.

What does calcium do in our bodies?

Calcium is a mineral of which 99% is stored in our bones and the rest is in blood and tissues. Calcium also helps in blood clotting, and muscle contraction and maintains heart as well as nerve health.

How much calcium can milk provide?

A glass of milk can give 300 mg of calcium. Some vegetables are also high in calcium content, like okra, nuts, dark leafy green vegetables, and some seeds.

Which diet is calcium-rich?

Cow milk is easily absorbed into our bodies. Calcium also needs vitamin D to be absorbed. Whenever our body is exposed to sunlight, our skin itself produces vitamin D. Some foods are also rich in vitamin D, like egg yolks and mushrooms.