Beta Casein Protein of A1 and A2 Milk and its Impact on Human health

Milk is essential to all age groups of human beings. It has roughly 87% of water and the rest of 13% is lactose, sugar, protein, fat, sugar, vitamins and minerals in it.

What is Beta Casein?

Casein is the major component of the milk protein of which 30% is Beta Casein. Beta Casein has 2 kinds of variants namely A1 and A2. Beta casein consists of a chain of 229 amino acids.

5000 years ago, India had only indigenous breeds of cows and buffaloes. These breeds already were giving us A2 milk. But because of mutation in these proline amino acids, it later converted to histidine. This mutation created 13 variants in which A1 and A2 are most common.

Now, how this is impacting our health. Basically, when A1 Beta casein breaks down inside the intestine it produces beta casomorphin-7 (BCM 7) which is an opioid peptide similar to morphine. BCM 7 interacts with the human gastrointestinal tract, brain stems and internal organs. BCM 7 harms the immune response and this is also considered as a risk factor of chronic heart diseases and juvenile insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.  

While A2 Milk is easily digestible than A1. Indigenous breeds of cow like Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, Gir, Rathi are the types of breeds which give this elixir called A2 milk.

Benefits of Gir Cow Ghee

Gir cow is an Indian native breed mostly found in Gujarat and Maharashtra States in India. This cow has a unique feature that it gives milk with A2 protein which makes it different from other breeds. When we talk about physical features, it has hump, spiraling horns, dome-like head and long ears. Daily yielding is around 8 to 10 liters per day, which is why A2 milk and Ghee is costly.

What is ‘Gir Cow Desi Ghee’ or ‘A2 Ghee’?

Ghee which is only made by using Gir cow milk is called Gir cow Desi ghee or A2 ghee.

Why is A2 ghee costlier than other ghee available in the market? What is the bilona method?

It takes 25 to 30 liters of milk to prepare 1 kg of Gir cow desi ghee plus we prepare ghee using bilona method. Bilona method is an ancient way of making ghee in which we first set the curd then churn the curd. After churning the curd we get makkhan, this makkhan is then heated which finally gives Desi gir cow ghee. Obviously, the quantity of milk it takes and the extra effort we exert for the bilona method makes it costlier.

What are the benefits of A2 gir cow desi ghee?

The Ayurvedic texts e.g. Charak Samhita has already mentioned innumerable benefits of desi cow ghee. Some of them are as follows:

  • Boost immunity: Desi gir cow ghee is well known for its property of improving immunity which keeps us away from multiple health problems.
  • Facilitate skin and hair: Desi gir cow ghee is a natural moisturizer which moisturizes the body internally and externally which leads to shiny and healthy skin. It gives strength to hair roots.
  • Digestive benefits: According to ayurveda if we want to keep our body healthy we should have our digestive system healthy. This ghee keeps our digestive system healthy by keeping necessary microbes in our gastrointestinal tract alive.
  • Helps in burns and injuries: Gir cow desi ghee has miraculous benefits of curing cuts, wounds and injuries of the skin. in ancient times, it was being used to cure the same.
  • Helps in Vata and pitta dosha: Ayurvedic texts claim that this Ghee helps in maintaining balance between vata and pitta. 
  • Maintains overall health: Ghee contains calcium, phosphorus, rich fats and potassium which helps to maintain blood pressure. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is an important acid that lowers bad cholesterol thus it improves overall heart health.
  • Gir cow ghee is rich in vital elements like Vitamin A, E, D and K which increase your body’s defensive mechanism against various infections. Apart from strengthening your immunity, this ghee also promotes heart and brain health.

Why do we need calcium?

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have already known the extreme importance of milk for humans. Right from childhood, we hear that we must drink milk regularly. It has an important mineral called calcium in it, which makes it vital for growth and bone health. Our bone is a living tissue that breaks down and regenerates itself periodically. It’s obvious to ensure good health, we need to supply calcium to our bodies through our food. In this post, we will further see how important calcium is for us and how to get it in the right way.

How much calcium does the body require?

It is recommended in a day is 1000 mg amount of calcium for men aged 19 to 70 and women aged 18 to 50. This recommendation varies when it comes to pregnant women as their requirements are a little higher. If your body doesn’t have enough calcium, it may lead to brittle bones and teeth. Moreover, if calcium deficiency continues, the body will start stealing calcium from bones.

What does calcium do in our bodies?

Calcium is a mineral of which 99% is stored in our bones and the rest is in blood and tissues. Calcium also helps in blood clotting, and muscle contraction and maintains heart as well as nerve health.

How much calcium can milk provide?

A glass of milk can give 300 mg of calcium. Some vegetables are also high in calcium content, like okra, nuts, dark leafy green vegetables, and some seeds.

Which diet is calcium-rich?

Cow milk is easily absorbed into our bodies. Calcium also needs vitamin D to be absorbed. Whenever our body is exposed to sunlight, our skin itself produces vitamin D. Some foods are also rich in vitamin D, like egg yolks and mushrooms.

Why is A2 milk costlier than regular milk?

Milk is essential for everyone one, especially when it comes to tea, coffee. Even children love milk glass along with some of their favourite flavours. People of all ages love to have milk. But, adulteration is a rising concern which necessitates us to think twice before consuming milk.

People often question our pricing, so in this article we will discuss the hidden reason behind. Cow hygiene, health, fodder, nature friendly packaging and delivery to your doorstep are the major factors behind the price.

Unlike any other breed of cows, Desi Gir cows need little extra care. In terms of maintaining the best milk quality we give them organic fodder and fresh water. They need grasslands to graze, sunlight and natural environment. We also ensure regular health checkups for our beloved gir cows.

The onus is on their good fodder only as we don’t use any hormone for high milk production. The outcome of this care and love is nutritious A2 milk from Gir cows.

We collect the milk and deliver it to your doorstep in a glass bottle. Handling a glass bottle is costlier than a plastic packet. They are fragile in nature and reverse logistics are also needed because of re-usability of bottles.

These all are the factors that constitute the price of our A2 milk.

A2 Milk Facts to Know

People nowadays are more health conscious than ever before. Everyone wants to be healthy and fit. So, demands for such kinds of products have surged in recent times. In the same context we are hearing a lot about Desi Gir cow A2 Milk.

What is it? Where does it come from? What are the real benefits? 

All the answers are here inside this post.

Difference between A1 and A2 Milk

Basically, any milk is made up of two components i.e. calcium and protein. The 80% of milk protein is formed by Casein, which is further bifurcated in two types named A1 and A2. The milk which has A2 beta casein is known as A2 type of milk. The fresh Gir A2 cow A2 milk is slightly yellowish in colour and naturally sweet in taste.

How A2 Milk is beneficial for health?

The A2 beta casein of the milk breaks down into amino acids that leads to faster digestion. It also contains different nutrients such as calcium, potassium, selenium and various vitamins. These all help in maintaining and improving good cholesterol and nurturing the human body. Research has shown better results in children also, as it helps them to grow in a faster manner and improve their body and brain.

Curd produced from A2 milk has probiotics which are well known for healthy gut bacteria and a good digestive system. Consumption of A2 milk for a prolonged time helps to improve kidney health, migraine, thyroid, reduces acidity, joint pain and overall health.

Where does A2 milk come from?

A2 milk comes from Desi Gir breed of cows which is our indigenous cow breed. 

These Gir cows with humps deliver A2 cow milk. It is also necessary that the milk you consume must be unadulterated.

Why A2 Milk is essential to everyone!

When we first hear about the word A2, it triggers our mind to think about it. Well, A2 is a specific protein that is found in Gir cow milk while A1 is another type of protein which is found on other classes of bovine. A1 and A2 milk types have exhibited their different digestive natures. A2 milk protein makes Gir cow milk easy digestible compared to the A1 milk.

Many researches have shown, consuming A1 milk for a long time can affect the human body in many ways like, type 1 diabetes, deposition of cholesterol, some cases of autism and neurological problems. We can say Gir cow milk can become an elixir to human life. This nutritive milk imparts those proteins that cannot be produced by the human body.

Our body seeks such kinds of protein so it is important to introduce this to our diet, in the forms of our everyday dairy products.

It is also necessary that the milk which is reaching to your doorstep is pure, organic, unadulterated and fresh Gir Cow A2 milk. Daily consumption of this milk will improve your physical and mental health thoroughly. Your body will start receiving balanced minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, potassium and vitamins like A, B2, B12 and D.

Health Benefits of Raw A2 Milk

There are several other Health Benefits of Raw A2 Milk. It is a powerful yet soothing combination of Calcium, Potassium, Proteins and other nutrients which is essential for healthy bones. Apart from this, raw a2 milk also plays an important role in other aspects of health and nutrition.

Benefits of Raw A2 Milk and some facts that you would love to know:

  1. A2 Milk contains Vitamins that are beneficial to our health. These help in absorbing phosphorus and calcium very necessary to build and maintain our bones and teeth. Riboflavin helps our body use carbohydrates for energy and Vitamin B12, helps our body in breaking protein and RBC production.
  2. Minerals like calcium, phosphorus and potassium in milk help us to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Calcium is very much needed for the proper functioning of muscle, bones and to maintain our blood pressure.
  4. Phosphorous not only provides building blocks for healthy bones and teeth but also helps to produce protein for cells and tissues growth, maintain and repair.
  5. Potassium is important for functioning of our body cells, tissues, organs and in regulating blood pressure.
  6. Protein in a2 milk is the most affordable source – 1 gm in 30 ml.
  7. A2 milk doesn’t cause the same inflammatory response in those who are lactose intolerant like the way A1 milk causes. When you consume pure A2 milk, you can relish its benefits without any gastrointestinal discomforts.

One of the best breeds in India, Gir cows, provides this in the form of A2 milk. Hence, including Raw A2 milk in your diet is a step towards a healthy body and mind.